From Our Chefs: Top 10 Favorite Ingredients to Use
From Our Chefs
Our Chefs have a lot of tools in their toolboxes, including Menu Builder, our web-based tool that helps keep menus varied and balanced, and the Touch of SAGE® app that provides feedback about the community’s likes and dislikes. But perhaps our Chefs’ most underrecognized tools are the simple, wholesome ingredients they use every day. They take great care in choosing these ingredients, ensuring they’re fresh, local, and sourced responsibly. We asked our Chefs to weigh in on their favorite ingredients...
Fostering Community with Student-Submitted Recipes
SAGE Community
At SAGE, we embrace students of diverse cultural backgrounds and enjoy celebrating those cultures through food. Our Managers work with student groups to honor customs and traditions in the dining hall through authentic cuisine, and we encourage students and community members to submit their favorite recipes to be included in the menus. Kirby Jones, Senior Food Service Director at Principia School in St. Louis, knows the importance of including student-submitted recipes in his menus. He said there’s a large African...
12 Food Trends for 2024
As we welcome the new year, SAGE’s Director of Menu Development Rob Coutu shares 12 food trends you may see throughout 2024. Comfort Food Fusion Comfort foods are getting an elevated, creative twist. Combining two types of mouthwatering comfort foods will be a hit in 2024. Think: cheeseburger quesadillas, pizza pot pie, carbonara ramen, and more! 2024 is Heating Up You’ll see heat being used in complex ways this year, including chile peppers in desserts, drinks, and even ice cream...
All Foods Fit: Let’s Explore Food!
Nutrition, All Foods Fit
Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our All Foods Fit campaign and nutrition philosophy, we’re exploring a variety of components related to food: fuel, culture, exploration, togetherness, and enjoyment. All Foods Fit means there are no “good” or “bad” foods. We eat many different foods for many different reasons — to keep us nutritionally balanced, provide the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allow us to create long-lasting memories and enjoy the dining...
Celebrating Black History Month
Menu Development
February is Black History Month, which honors the accomplishments, cultures, contributions, and history that the Black community has made in shaping the United States and Canada. To celebrate Black History Month, we’ve highlighted a few renowned Black chefs from the U.S. and Canada who’ve made a powerful impact in the culinary world, as well as included a recipe inspired by Zoe Adjonyoh. Michael W. Twitty, a food writer and culinary historian, centers his work around “culinary justice” — honoring...