• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

Growing SAGE: The Awty International School Gardens

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This "Growing SAGE" post brings us to the Lone Star State, where we'll feature The Awty International School's gardens in Houston, Texas. Take a look around these lively gardens any time of year, and there’s an abundance of colorful produce! Broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, beets, carrots, garlic, spinach, cucumbers, strawberries, eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, peas, artichokes, and herbs all make a vibrant showing in the campus' 18 raised beds, each of which is 32 square feet The SAGE Team at Awty has...


Growing SAGE: McDonogh Roots Farm

Gardens, From Here. From Near., SAGE Community, Growing SAGEsage img

We’re celebrating Earth Day with a “Growing SAGE” post. Nearly 80% of our schools have gardens, so there's plenty of ground to cover! We'll begin with McDonogh Roots Farm, a thriving farm on the McDonogh School campus in Owings Mills, Maryland. Providing fresh potatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and herbs for SAGE's dining service at the school is just one aspect of this farm's mission. The farm was also created to donate food to those in need and to teach...


Zeke's Coffee: Small-Batch Roasts with Big Baltimore Flavor

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A slow, plaintive melody rises above the resonant thrum of roasting machines that busies the mild afternoon air. As I make my way toward the warmth and hum of the warehouse, a young man strides over to me. His brown beard frames a broad smile as he catches my hand in an easy shake: “I'm Brett. Welcome to Zeke's.” In 2005, Brett's uncle, Thomas Rhodes, began roasting his own coffee beans in a one-pound roaster in Baltimore. He sold...


Food Day 2011

Nutrition, Sustainability, From Our Kitchen

The first ever Food Day will take place on Monday, Oct. 24. Sponsored by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Food Day is a nationwide grassroots effort to encourage people to push Congress for healthy and affordable food produced in a sustainable and humane way. Whether through lobbying, participating in a community event or making a personal change, Food Day hopes to inspire people to transform the American diet. Though many of the goals for Food Day concentrate...


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